Neuroscientist Dr. Sharon Dirckx recently came to the OSU College of Medicine to speak on the topic of her new book, Am I Just My Brain?. A room packed with medical students and healthcare professionals listened attentively as she argued that a materialist view of personhood falls short of explaining the human conscience. She argued that the Christian worldview, that human beings have a soul or spirit that transcends our biological makeup, best makes sense of the neuroscience of the human conscience. The event ended with Q and A in which she was able to express how encountering evidence for Jesus’ resurrection has changed her life.
After twenty years on staff with Cru, Aaron and Elisabeth Badenhop are expanding their work through Global Service Associates. Aaron is founding a Christian study center on the doorstep of OSU, while Elisabeth develops her soul care ministry. Aaron received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Portland Seminary of George Fox University, is associate director of CMDA at OSU, and an elder at Hope Church. Elisabeth completed a 3-year soul care certification through Sustainable Faith. This site shares about our family and our work on campus. Thanks for visiting.